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What do I need to know about the GCSE Chemistry course?
What do I need to know about the GCSE Chemistry course?

Achieve a 8/9 in GCSE Chemistry ⭐

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over a week ago

Use this course alongside your schoolwork to supercharge your learning! Full of engaging content designed to help you get the most out of your learning, and make it easy (and maybe even fun) to study! You don't even need to take notes - we've designed the course to maximise your memory and understanding 💪

How do I sign up?

Click on the link below to try out our GCSE AQA Chemistry course 👩‍🔬

Who is the course for?

The course is designed for the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy curriculum.

However, the course will be beneficial and valuable to students on any of the other science pathways. Read on to find how Up Learn can help with your course ⏬

Can I still use the course if I'm doing Foundation Tier?

Yes! Our course covers 100% of both Foundation and Higher Tier content. The topics that are Higher Tier only are clearly marked, making it easy to focus on what you need for your exam 💪

Can I still use the course if I'm doing AQA Combined Science: Synergy ?

Yes! Synergy students can still use our course to learn specific topics and subtopics. Not all of the course will be relevant to Synergy students as the synergy course is organised differently and doesn't match up exactly with our Trilogy course. However, many of the chemistry concepts from the Synergy course will be covered and students can use the course to supplement and enhance their knowledge 🤓

Can I still use the course If I'm doing AQA Chemistry: Triple Science?

Yes! The course is also suitable for Triple (Separate) Science students because the course covers 75% of the Chemistry content from triple science.

Top tip: Ask your teacher which specification you are studying if you're unsure!

What's in the course?

Our brand new GCSE AQA Chemistry course contains:

📝 Section Quizzes: checking what you already know, identifying areas to improve and allowing you to skip lessons you know

📹 Video Lessons: interactive videos that include embedded quizzes, explaining a topic in detail

❓ Quiz Lessons: quizzes that fill gaps in your knowledge, starting off easy and gradually getting harder

💪 Mastery Quizzes: additional practice on content covered in the section

📸 Summaries: an overview of all the concepts covered in the section

How do I get the best out of the course?

As a student, use Up Learn alongside your schoolwork to supercharge your learning! 🚀

You can:

📹 Learn or revise a specific topic by working through the video lessons and quizzes in that subsection

🎯 Use section quizzes to help understand where you should focus within a topic

🤖 Use Up Learn’s recommendations to choose where to focus based on what you have studied in class already and on your performance in previous quizzes

📈 Keep track of your completion in all topics and your performance in questions across the curriculum

Can I use this course if I don't go to school?

Our course is designed to support your studies alongside school, supercharging your grades in the shortest possible time. As a private candidate, we would recommend using Up Learn alongside other resources, such as textbooks, to ensure you achieve the best result possible in your exams 🏫

Can I access live chat tutoring with this course?

Whilst the course is still in development, tutoring will not be available. Our course provides loads of resources that will allow you to boost your knowledge and understanding of Chemistry. However, if you spot anything that doesn’t look right or have any suggestions for improvement, use the chat send us a message as we’d love to hear your feedback! 💬

Does the Money-back guarantee apply to this course?

Since our course is still in development, we are not offering a money-back guarantee. The course is built by the same team that guaranteed an A*/A to 1000s of A-level students, so you can trust that it’ll be good! 🤓

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