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How can I skip a video?

Jump through videos and still complete the section ⏩

Zainab Tapas avatar
Written by Zainab Tapas
Updated today

To mark a section as complete, you need to tick off all the lessons in that section. You can either do this by watching all the videos and doing all the quizzes, or you can use our section and pre-video quizzes to tick off a video and skip needing to watch it ✅

Do I need to watch all the videos in a section?

Watching videos and completing sections is key to increasing your Up Score, as it ensures you’ve covered the full course content and keeps your progress on track 🎯

If you don’t watch a video, skip over any in-video questions, or use the scroll bar to get through it, the video will not be marked as complete.

When you ‘Strengthen’ a section, our Up Learn AI will take you back to any videos you haven’t ticked off, as we need to ensure you’ve fully understood every topic 👏

How can I skip a video?

If you are confident in a topic and feel you don’t need to watch a video, there are ways to skip them while still ensuring that the section is marked as complete.

Quiz check questions - If a video starts with quiz-check questions, answering them correctly will mark the video as complete 👏

Quiz-check questions are currently available for:

⚛️ OCR Physics

💱 Economics

🧠 Psychology

Section quizzes – Correctly completing questions in section quizzes will mark off the corresponding videos and quizzes within that section 💪

Section quizzes appear when you begin a new section and are currently available for:

🔢 Maths

🧪 Chemistry

🔬 AQA Physics

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