Try Strengthening to give your knowledge a workout! Each section's 'Strengthen' button will direct you to the lessons that need your attention - get answers on these lessons correct to get to 9/10 bars or high/outstanding scores 🏋️
What does the Strengthen button do?
This is the key to fully mastering a topic. You’ll see it at the top of the page when you click into a topic 🖱️
The AI assesses all the videos you’ve watched within this topic, the questions you have answered, and how you did in them. Using this information, it directs you to the lesson that will most benefit your learning 🧠
How do I know which sections I should Strengthen?
If you’re an Up Core, Up Master, or Scholarship student, on your Course Overview page you can see that each section has progress bars 📶 If you've gotten all or most of the answers correct in the section, your bars will be almost full (9/10 to match your 90% target). If you're below 9/10, Strengthening and getting answers correct will move your bars up 💪
If you’re a school student, you’ll see your section scores - either at low, medium, high, or outstanding. If you’ve gotten most or all of the questions correct in the lessons, your score will be at high or outstanding 🎉 If you're at a medium or low score, Strengthen to get those answers correct and improve to high or outstanding!
The bars and section scores enable you to easily view what topics you need to work on and which ones you need to Strengthen later. Getting questions right whilst Strengthening topics boosts your Up Score, and moves you closer to that A* level for the exam 🌟
Pro Tip: Getting answers correct is really important when Strengthening! Your section score won't improve if you Strengthen and answer questions incorrectly, so keep going until you get them correct ✅
How does Strengthening affect my Up Score?
Improving your section scores is key to a high Up Score 🔑 Low section scores will pull your Up Score down, so use Strengthening to increase them!