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How do I beat memory decay?

Use our Refresh Knowledge quizzes to close any memory gaps! 🤯

Hannah Acutt avatar
Written by Hannah Acutt
Updated over a month ago

The Refresh Knowledge feature generates a personalised quiz made up of questions from across the whole course. Either you recently answered these incorrectly, or have answered them correctly but not for some time. This makes your studying even more straightforward by automatically highlighting areas for improvement and helping to defeat memory decay 🙌

Where can I find Refresh Knowledge?

A Refresh Knowledge quiz will automatically pop up whenever you finish the last activity in a section. You can also access it by clicking the ‘Refresh knowledge’ button near the top of the course page at any time to get some quick-fire practice in 🔥

What does the number on the button mean?

This number shows how many questions are currently available to refresh your knowledge. It’s capped at a maximum of six questions. If it shows zero, then you've got no more to work on at the moment, so continue with other parts of the course and it will update with new ones soon 📑

It will keep filling up with new questions so that you always have an opportunity to revisit content and keep closing those memory gaps. So don’t be discouraged if you get it to 0 and it fills up again - it’s just another chance to ace some more content 🤓

Do the Refresh Knowledge quizzes affect my Up Score?

Yes, you can increase your Up Score by answering these quizzes correctly, but it won’t be pulled down if you choose not to complete a Refresh Knowledge quiz 💪

When should I do a Refresh Knowledge Quiz?

Whenever you like! It's automatically updated to contain the most relevant questions. As soon as you see the number on the button indicating you have questions available, you can get started ✏️ It will also automatically appear after you finish a topic.

What's the difference between Refresh Knowledge and Strengthening?

Strengthening allows you to focus on improving your score for one particular topic. The Refresh Knowledge quizzes will pull questions from across the course to improve your knowledge where it is most needed 🎯

Why am I being asked questions from other topics?

The Refresh Knowledge Quizzes are designed to disrupt memory decay by getting you to go over content that you recently got wrong and to help you remember content from across the course. If you want more targeted practice for that topic, you can use the Strengthen button to only get questions from that topic 🙌

Why does my course not have a Refresh Knowledge button?

The Refresh Knowledge button is not included in the Economics, Psychology, and OCR Physics courses. These courses have Recall Items quizzes instead, which is similar and allows you to practise key terms and definitions for those topics 🌟 Look out for them in each section!

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